14 January 2018

Teacher Self Care

Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

It's time for some teacher self care.  It's January and I know lots of people make resolutions for exercise and these resolutions can quickly fall to the wayside.  

In September 2017, a report came out that too much sitting can be deadly.  Now, I'm not really sure why we needed a study for that.  It just seems like common sense that sitting too much is not good for us.  We were made to move.  But I must say it does really wake a person up and make you a bit more mindful of your movements.  Some of the the links below are referral links, which means,  I will earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

Teachers do a lot of sitting.  Even if you are moving around in your classroom, we still sit a lot:  at the guided reading table, doing read alouds, sitting on the carpet while working with students, grading papers, writing lesson plans, etc...  You get the idea.  So I want to give you some tips for helping you be more mindful of moving more.  Easy to implement ways to keep you motivated to move more. Not an exercise program.  Just easy ways to move a little more.

Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

1.  Wireless Earbuds

Get a pair of earbuds and listen to music, podcasts, or audio books.  Makes the time go quickly if you are exercising on a treadmill.  Some schools require teachers to complete professional development, so listen while you walk and get both accomplished at once!  Use your time wisely.  I got these wireless earbuds for one of my sons.  They have a good sound and are not ridiculously expensive.  Which is good because he tends to lose things sometimes.  ðŸ˜€

2.  Step Counters
Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

You don't need an expensive step counter.  You can even use one on your phone if you carry your phone around.  It won't be as accurate, but the whole point is set a goal and try to meet it every day.  I have a Fitbit Charge 2.  I can tell when I am not wearing it I am not usually getting as many steps and movement in.  One easy way teachers can get in more steps is to walk those long hallways.  Stretch those legs out and go for a couple of strolls down the hall when you have planning time.  Walk around the playground when you have recess duty!  This helps you see the whole playground and keeps you moving.  Also keeps you warmer when it is cold out!

 3.  Workout DVDs
Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

Find work out dvds that you enjoy.  I have this PiYo and like it.  Some teachers like Beachbody.  You can find friends to share and exchange dvds with too.  Or workout after school together with some teacher friends!  If you do this once or twice a week, it will give you some variety to your routine.

Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

4.  Aerobic Stepper

Do you have a favorite tv show you watch in the evening?  Instead of just sitting while watching tv, get a stepper and use it while watching your show.  Gets you up off the couch and moving.  So easy!  When your show is done, so are you!

5.  Use a planner
Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more

So many teachers live by their planners so use your planner to help you get moving!  Plan out your exercise like a to do list and check it off when you do it.  It's just another easy way to get moving in your schedule and help keep you healthy.  Moving more is just like brain breaks for our kids.  It gives our brains a boost, makes you feel better and gives you energy!  

Wish List:  Treadmill Desk
Tips for Teacher Self Care being mindful of moving more
Some days I think I would like to have this treadmill desk since I spend a lot of time on the computer.  Does anyone have this?  What do you think about it if you have it?  Has it helped you?

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